Allelu! Preschool-K, Parish & School Edition

Alive in Christ: Discovering and Sharing the Kerygma, 1-8, Parish Edition

Vivos en Cristo, 2024, Parish Edition

I Am Special, Preschool-K, Parish & School Edition

Call to Faith, K-8, Parish Edition

Alive in Christ Faith Guidebooks, Grades 6-9, Parish Edition

Faith Fusion

Encounter with Christ: Confirmation Restored Order

Call to Celebrate: Confirmation, Younger Adolescents

Call to Celebrate: Confirmation, Older Adolescents

Catholic Parent Know-How: Sacrament Preparation: Preparing Your Child for Confirmation, English

Catholic Parent Know-How: Sacrament Preparation: How to Be a Confirmation Sponsor, English
Our Sunday Visitor
Our Sunday Visitor is a huge Catholic publishing and offertory solutions enterprise that has thrived for over 100 years. They have over 1800 textbooks, parish resources and trade books in print. They are the largest English language Catholic publisher in the world. An overarching mission statement is etched into the exterior of their building: To serve the Church. Each generation working at Our Sunday Visitor has to make this their own, articulating it in a way that makes sense to the world of the day.