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Un llamado a celebrar: La Reconciliación y la Eucaristía — Our Sunday Visitor

Call to Celebrate: Reconciliation and Eucharist

Bilingual Edition. Sacrament preparation for older children, ages 10 to 14. Candidate Book has complete sections for Reconciliation and Eucharist. Features opening ritual prayer, illustrated Scripture stories, age-appropriate activities, opportunities for small group sharing and discussion, Faith at Home activities, and closing blessings. Wraparound Catechist Edition features detailed lesson plans for each chapter; catechist formation with Catechism connection, catechist resources, teaching tips, stories about people of faith, and reproducible activity masters. Updated with Roman Missal changes. (©2011)

Un llamado a celebrar: La Reconciliacion y la Eucaristia is approved by the Bishops' Committee.

2 program components.


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