Online Digital Publisher Materials for Faith Formation
Many publishers are offering digital resources to accompany their religious education programs. Select a program to see what’s available.

Alive in Christ Faith Guidebooks
Our Sunday Visitor

Alive in Christ, 1-8
Our Sunday Visitor

Alive in Christ: Discovering and Sharing the Kerygma, 1-8
Our Sunday Visitor

Alive in Christ: Discovering and Sharing the Kerygma, 1-8
Our Sunday Visitor

Be My Disciples, 1-6
RCL Benziger

Blest Are We Faith and Word 2008, 1-8
RCL Benziger

Blest Are We Faith in Action, K-8
RCL Benziger

Christ In Us, K-8
Sadlier Religion

Christ Our Life: New Evangelization, K-8
Loyola Press

Discover! Finding Faith in Life, K-5
Saint Mary’s Press

Faith First Legacy, 1-6
RCL Benziger

Faith and Life, 1-8
Ignatius Press

Family Life 2011, K-8
RCL Benziger

Finding God 2021, K-8
Loyola Press

Spirit of Truth, K-8, Classic Edition
Sophia Institute for Teachers

We Believe Catholic Identity, K-6
Sadlier Religion

We Believe with Project Disciple, K-6
Sadlier Religion

We Believe: Living Your Catholic Identity, K-6
Sadlier Religion