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Christ In Us, K-8

Grade 2 Student Book

Paperback School Edition

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Retail price: $29.32

Publisher: Sadlier Religion

ISBN: 978-0-8215-3702-2

Item Number: SADL-37022

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Non-returnable. Old Edition.

81 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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Christ In Us, K-8, School Edition


Essential questions in each unit and lesson allow the children at different grade levels to investigate the same topic at the same time, supporting faith sharing in which everyone participates and learns together. Prayer in every lesson, in a variety of forms, engages students' senses with enhanced prayer experiences. With a focus on the seven sacraments, children prepare to actively participate in the life of the church. Children experience Christ in Us through the student books and the student portal. In each lesson, children learn about their Catholic faith, build faith vocabulary, and apply their knowledge with thought-provoking activities. Print experiences are linked to rich online resources, activities, enrichment, assessment opportunities, and projects in the student portal. Purchase of a Student Book by a school or parish includes access to all online program support and resources in the Christ In Us online portal.

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Weight: 1.554 lbs
Case Qty: 20 ($439.80)


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