Fusión en la Fe
Grades 3-5 Teacher/Catechist Guide
Parish & School Edition
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-61278-817-3
Item Number: OSVP-X1623
40 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
Additional Version
$30.49 EnglishDetails
Faith Fusion, Grades 3-5. Bilingual Edition. Knowing, Loving, and Serving Christ in the Catholic Church. Bilingual edition features wrap-around text that covers all aspects of the lesson, Scripture backgrounds, instructions for adapting each lesson for children with special needs, a unique Test for Recall feature that provides a quick review of church teaching presented in an earlier chapter, and three additional activities per lesson. Each Catechist Guide includes a pull-out poster. "Great People of the Bible" presents Bible heroes from the Old and New Testaments; the "Bible Timeline" features key events in salvation history from creation to the early church. Each Catechist Guide also includes 20 reproducible activity masters to use during the sessions or for the children to complete at home. Approved by the Bishops' Committee. (©2016)
Weight: 2.625 lbs
Case Qty: 12 ($382.20)
New Edition
Fusión en la Fe: Grades 3-5, Teacher/Catechist Guide, Parish & School Edition, Bilingual