Allelu! Preschool-K
Ages 3-4 Music CD
Parish & School Edition
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-61278-551-6
Item Number: OSVP-X1249
Estimated ship date: about two weeks from ordering
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This product belongs to two programs:Allelu! Preschool-K, Parish & School Edition
Allelu! Preschool-K, Spanish
Allelu! music is completely reproducible. Teachers can make copies of the CD to share with every family and extend learning into the homes and cars of the children. Thirty-six tunes including two versions of the Gathering Song, the Sending Song and the Prayer Time Song, one with vocals and one with instruments only. Song lyrics are available at the website.
Activity pages, home lesson plans, games, lectionary resources and registration for upcoming webinars for parents, DREs and catechists.
Weight: 0.145 lbs