Creer Celebrar Vivir: Confirmación
Catechist Guide
$25.50 Save 25%
Retail price: $34.00
Publisher: Sadlier Religion
ISBN: 978-0-8215-3181-5
Item Number: SADL-31815
Additional Version
$25.50 EnglishDetails
Bilingual Catechist Guide. Supports catechists every step of the way with background and explicit support that helps them meet the social, spiritual, and intellectual needs of adolescents with age-appropriate content. Extend faith development opportunities with multimedia features including music, video segments, ritual prayer and other prayer experiences. Adapt the program with tips and strategies designed to reach diverse learners and adolescents with special needs. With easy-to-follow methodology, resources and chapter planners. (©2017)
Weight: 0.855 lbs