Oración de Mi Comunión, 10-pack
$1.86 for 10+ Save 5%
$1.76 for 25+ Save 10%
$1.56 for 75+ Save 20%
$1.36 for 150+ Save 30%
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-59276-585-0
Item Number: OSVP-X867
Additional Version
$1.95 EnglishDetails
My Communion Prayer, Spanish. Pack of 10 identical prayer cards, each approximately 3" x 5".
Text (in Spanish) on the back reads:
My Communion Prayer
Dear God, I know that you give me many gifts. The gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion is the greatest of all. How can I ever thank You enough for this special gift? At Mass we are called to be like Jesus, by loving and serving one another in the world. As I become more like Him, please continue to help me. Show me the places and ways that I can bring Your love, kindness, and peace to others... in my family, in my neighborhood, in my community, with my friends. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Weight: 0.051 lbs