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The Way God Teaches

Catechesis and the Divine Pedagogy

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Retail price: $16.95

Author: Joseph White

Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor

ISBN: 978-1-61278-784-8

Item Number: OSVP-X1590

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Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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God creates us out of infinite love for the purpose of love. We are made to be in relationship with him, and it is God who initiates that relationship. He reveals the truth about himself and his creation. The way God reveals his truth is called the divine pedagogy. The word comes from a Greek word meaning "to lead the child." God's own manner of leading us, his children, toward himself is his pedagogy. Catechists and teachers are called to hand on the truths of the faith not merely by doing their best according to human standards of theology and educational methodology, but rather by echoing God's own way of teaching us. Learn how God's pedagogy is directed toward the individual, incarnational, relational, structured, systematic, comprehensive, and perpetual. Hardcover, 112 pages. (©2014)

Weight: 0.593 lbs


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