Essentials of the Faith
A Guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
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Retail price: $15.95
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-931709-53-8
Item Number: OSVP-T30
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Presents the core teaching of the Catechism in a condensed and popular format. Each three-page chapter includes a presentation of basic doctrine, three review questions with answers, a glossary of terms, prayer, three life-application points, and a relevant quotation from a saint or contemporary Catholic. Includes an appendix of basic Catholic prayers and practices. Excellent for RCIA and adult discussion groups. 55 chapters. Paper, 6 x 9, 224 pages. Imprimatur. (©2002)
Weight: 0.674 lbs
Case Qty: 56 ($750.29)