Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Alive in Christ, 1-8

St. Clare of Assisi
Grade 5 People of Faith Cards

Parish & School Edition


Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor

ISBN: 978-1-61278-090-0

Item Number: OSVP-CU5383


5 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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This product belongs to multiple programs:
Alive in Christ, 1-8, School Edition
Alive in Christ, 1-8, Parish Edition
People of Faith Cards


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Package of 25 St. Clare of Assisi People of Faith cards which connect with a chapter in Alive in Christ Grade 5. Illustrated in an art style specifically chosen for fifth graders. Each card contains a prayer and brief biography on the back. A resource for any catechetical program.

Text on the back of the card:
Saint Clare of Assisi
Feast Day -- August 11
Saint Clare was one of the first people to follow the teaching of Saint Francis of Assisi. She lived with a group of women who were very poor and prayed all the time. Saint Clare believed that Jesus was really and truly present in the Eucharist. Two times, when enemies wanted to attach the town of Assisi, the people asked Clare for help. She came to the walls of the city, holding the Blessed Sacrament in her hands. Both times the enemy ran away in fear.

Patron of television, telephones and sore eyes. Saint Clare cut off her hair when she first joined Saint Francis.

Saint Clare, help all who work in television to broadcast the truth. Amen.

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Weight: 0.141 lbs


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