Alive in Christ, 1-8
Blessed Pope John Paul II
Grade 5 People of Faith Cards
Parish & School Edition
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-61278-088-7
Item Number: OSVP-CU5381
5 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
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This product belongs to multiple programs:Alive in Christ, 1-8, School Edition
Alive in Christ, 1-8, Parish Edition
People of Faith Cards
Package of 25 St. Blessed Pope John Paul II People of Faith cards which connect with a chapter in Alive in Christ Grade 5. Illustrated in an art style specifically chosen for fifth graders. Each card contains a prayer and brief biography on the back. A resource for any catechetical program.
Text on the back of the card:
Blessed Pope John Paul II
Blessed Pope John Paul II traveled to 129 different countries around the world telling everyone about God's love and mercy. He went to some countries that a Pope had never visited before like Mexico and Haiti. Blessed John Paul also knew another one of his jobs as Pope was to teach the People of God how to make right choices in living good moral lives. To do that, he wrote many special letters, called encyclicals, telling us about Jesus, Mary and God.
Blessed John Paul was an actor when he was young. He loved to hike, ski and spend time in the mountains.
Jesus, I trust in You!...Spes contra spem! [Hope against hope!] With God nothing is impossible! (Blessed John Paul's prayer.)
Weight: 0.138 lbs
Text on the back of the card:
Blessed Pope John Paul II
Blessed Pope John Paul II traveled to 129 different countries around the world telling everyone about God's love and mercy. He went to some countries that a Pope had never visited before like Mexico and Haiti. Blessed John Paul also knew another one of his jobs as Pope was to teach the People of God how to make right choices in living good moral lives. To do that, he wrote many special letters, called encyclicals, telling us about Jesus, Mary and God.
Blessed John Paul was an actor when he was young. He loved to hike, ski and spend time in the mountains.
Jesus, I trust in You!...Spes contra spem! [Hope against hope!] With God nothing is impossible! (Blessed John Paul's prayer.)
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Weight: 0.138 lbs