The Cornerstone Series
Son of the Living God
Student Text
Growing in Relationship with Christ and Who He Calls You to Be
$13.38 Save 50%
Retail price: $26.75
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-0-15-902418-8
Item Number: OSVP-CU1513
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35 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
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Developed for Curriculum Framework Course II: Who Is Jesus Christ?
Provides students the context to articulate and answer their call to discipleship. Beginning with the perspective that adolescents already have faith, they consider the mystery of Jesus Christ and his life as the ultimate revelation of the Holy Trinity. Through concise doctrinal presentations and extensive activities working directly with Scripture, student will explore Jesus' life, example and promise to be with us always. With contemporary profiles of Catholic life, spiritual practices, and personal faith assessments, students will reflect on seeking and finding true happiness in God. Framework Plus: Treats all required course-specific framework elements, and integrates essential dimensions of discipleship throughout the text--morality, spirituality, justice, prayer and appropriation. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 247 pages. Approved by the Bishops' Committee. (©2011)
Weight: 1.310 lbs
Case Qty: 28 ($374.64)