Finding God 2021, K-8
Grade 8 Catechist Guide and Media Manual
Paperback Parish Edition
Publisher: Loyola Press
ISBN: 978-0-8294-5467-3
Item Number: LOYO-102773
Additional Version
$67.00 School EditionDetails
The spiral-bound Finding God Grade 8 Parish Catechist Guide is an easy-to-use guide that includes complete catechetical background, clear plans, step-by-step support, and additional activities with custom guides for parish and school. Guides come with a standalone media manual and the Finding God 7-8 App that each provide access to age-appropriate, faith-filled, multimedia. The Media Manual provides catechists with access to program multimedia for each session. Teachers can also use the manual to quickly view the reproducible worksheets and interactive session reviews associated with each session.
NOTE: The eighth grade student book includes access to a Finding God app which provides multimedia, insightful articles, and Carpool Catechesis, a family-focused podcast about faith and life in the modern world. App access is valid for one school year, August 1 through June 30. If you plan to have your students use the app, please wait until after July 20 to order the student books. This will guarantee a full school year of app access.
Digital Online Resources to support Faith Formation
Weight: 4.417 lbs
Case Qty: 10 ($670.00)
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Set Includes

Finding God 14 G8 Poster

Finding God G8 2022 TCH Media MAN

Finding God 14 G8 Psr Cg