Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Finding God 2021, K-8

Grade 8 Student Book and App

Paperback Parish & School Edition


Publisher: Loyola Press

ISBN: 978-0-8294-3672-3

Item Number: LOYO-101049

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This product belongs to two programs:
Finding God 2021, K-8, School Edition
Finding God 2021, K-8, Parish Edition


The Finding God Grade 8 Student Book explores the life of Jesus Christ and the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. By engaging young people's minds, hearts, and souls, Finding God helps them know their faith, grown in faith, and go in faith. Each student book comes with access to the new Finding God 7–8 App that contains engaging and thought-provoking faith-filled multimedia.

NOTE: App access is valid for one school year, August 1 through June 30. If you plan to have your students use the app, please wait until after July 20 to order. This will guarantee a full school year of app access. 

Online Digital Resources

Digital Online Resources to support Faith Formation

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Weight: 1.534 lbs
Case Qty: 20 ($475.00)


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