Encountering Jesus Series
Jesus Christ God's Revelation to the World
Teacher Manual
2nd Edition
Publisher: Ave Maria Press
ISBN: 978-1-59471-623-2
Item Number: AVEP-716232
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Restricted: only sold to schools and parishes.
Developed for Curriculum Framework Course 1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture. The Wraparound Teacher Manual includes pages of the student text in reduced size with lessons wrapped around the margins. Includes citations to the Catechism within the lesson plans. Offers a weekly planning chart and specific suggestions for scheduling a semester-long course. Resources include video suggestions, church documents, music suggestions and links to new websites. Reproducible supplementary exercises and assignments are also included, as well as tests with both subjective and objective questions. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 392 pages. (©2016)
Please note: Ave Maria Press allows the sale of a Teacher Manual only to parishes who also order 15 or more copies of the student text.
Weight: 2.390 lbs