Ave Maria Press Framework Series
Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments
Student Text
Publisher: Ave Maria Press
ISBN: 978-1-59471-143-5
Item Number: AVEP-711435
View SampleNon-returnable. Old Edition.
236 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
For Curriculum Framework Course 5: Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ. Teaches that the sacraments are the definitive way that Jesus remains present to the church and to the world today. Expresses concrete ways for understanding the sacraments, participating in their rites, and benefiting from their graces. The text is organized around the traditional definition of sacrament from the Catechism. This definition is clarified by arranging the chapters around four dimensions of the sacrament: memorial, celebration, communion and transformation. "For Reflection" panel, selections from Catholic blogs and profiles of the saints offer practical application for teenagers. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 320 pages. Approved by the Bishops' Committee. (©2010)
Weight: 2.213 lbs
Case Qty: 16 ($495.20)
New Edition
Encountering Jesus Series: Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments,, Student Text, Paperback: 2nd Edition