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Encountering Jesus Series

Your Life In Christ, 3rd Edition
Student Text

Foundations in Catholic Morality



Publisher: Ave Maria Press

ISBN: 978-1-59471-736-9

Item Number: AVEP-717369

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Encountering Jesus Series


Developed for Curriculum Framework Course 6: Life in Jesus Christ.


Introduces students to a traditional understanding of morality, encouraging them to undergo a deep and regular examination of conscience while making daily decisions to live a moral life.

Catholic morality draws on three sources of knowledge to help a person discern between right and wrong:

  • human reason (using our God-given intellects);
  • human experience (learning from the collective wisdom of others who have gone before us); and
  • Divine Revelation (learning from God whose truth can be found in the Bible and in the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church).

Examples and text lessons in Your Life in Christ expound on each of these.

Your Life in Christ introduces clear definitions of key terms morality, character, and virtue along with referenced support of each from Scripture, the writings of the Church Fathers and saints, and Church documents, especially the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Furthermore, it covers in-depth nine steps that are necessary for a person to live a virtuous and moral life. These steps are:

1.      Act like a human—act responsibly as creations made in the Divine image and in possession of God-given dignity.

2.      Use your intellect—introduces students to a process of moral decision making that asks them to apply God-given human reason to all moral decisions.

4.      Imitate Christ—Jesus is the preeminent norm and guide for those who want to live a moral life.

5.      Form, inform, and follow your conscience—a definition of conscience and practical steps at conscience formation.

6.      Repent and seek forgiveness for sins—steps at conversion and reconciliation are discussed, including recourse to the Sacrament of Penance.

7.      Love God above all—By observing the first three Commandments and exercising the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, students learn how to live in God’s love.

8.      Love yourself—an initial step at loving others; healthy self-love is practiced through living virtues like gratitude, humility, and temperance.

9.      Love your neighbor—by practicing virtues such as justice, kindness, and respect, as well as following the commandments, especially the fourth through tenth commandments of the Decalogue.


Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 288 pages. (©2019)

Weight: 2.842 lbs
Case Qty: 12 ($371.40)


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