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Discover! Finding Faith in Life, K-5 — Saint Mary’s Press

School Edition

Discover! Finding Faith in Life immerses students in Scripture from Day 1. Scripture stories are central. In Kindergarten, children use a colorful Bible story booklet, designed just for their age level! The Catholic Children's Bible becomes the core text in Grades 1-5, with folders and activity books for each lesson. You know the power of every child using Scripture at the heart of their religious education! Meaningful activities to infuse joy, spark curiosity, and create memorable learning.

Each grade level offers an area of focus, while at the same time spiraling core concepts of the Catholic Church to build on foundational understandings and deepen meaning. Grades K-5 are structured with four units, each with five chapters equaling 20 chapters per grade level.

Each chapter is anchored to a Scripture story with corresponding lesson goals and Catechism references. This structure provides a clear focus for each chapter so students walk away with a full understanding of the content.

Flexible, Discover! includes online lessons to supplement the classroom while Family Pages connect families to their child's religious education.

Teachers will love the step-by-step instructions that create a joyful classroom everyday. Active learning activities engage students and core teaching adds deeper layers of meaning as teachers unpack the activity with their classes.

Each student receives his or her own Discover! kit:

  • 20 core activity + 8 Liturgical books and folders
  • Free access to online lessons for children in Grades 1-5 to use at home
  • The Catholic Children's Bible

If students already have their own copies of The Catholic Children's Bible, choose the "no Bible" Discover Kit option. 

Saint Mary's Press activation form. This can be completed and returned to Saint Mary's if and when program administrators or teachers want access to the online course. Perfect for programs that have to switch to at-home learning on short notice.

Discover! Finding Faith in Life (©2020) has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Free digital resources include printable handouts, links to videos, music and home guides for all grades. No password required.

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