Stories of God's Love, Spanish — RCL Benziger
Relatos del amor de Dios, Kindergarten
A Spanish kindergarten program. Age-appropriate Bible stories from the Old and New Testament and contemporary stories related to the Scriptures connect God's love to everyday life for kindergartners. A Scripture story from the Old or New Testament is introduced one week. The following week, a corresponding real-life story explores ways children can live God's love every day. Activities in the story leaflets engage children's interest and help reinforce the lesson. Each includes a Family Page with the weekly Scripture story, family activity ideas, a parent reflection question and a family prayer. Seasonal leaflets introduce holy days, church feasts, saints and holidays. Student Leaflets come in a Spanish only version or in a two-pack with a set of Spanish leaflets and a set of English leaflets that used side-by-side as a bilingual version. (©2012)
Relatos del amor de Dios (©2012) has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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