La alegría del Evangelio: Evangelii Gaudium
The Joy of the Gospel
$7.96 Save 20%
Retail price: $9.95
Publisher: USA Madrid
ISBN: 978-8-4984097-8-9
Item Number: USAM-409789
Estimated ship date: February 18, 2025
The publisher is reprinting this item.
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$8.76 EnglishDetails
The Joy of the Gospel, Spanish. Apostolic Exhortation of the Supreme Pontiff Francis. Evangelii Gaudium sets out the hopes and dreams of Pope Francis for the People of God. He calls upon the church and the world with encouragement to begin a new chapter in evangelization. This document is written in the plain, everyday language that the pope has become famous for. Paperback, 5 x 8, 221 pages. (©2013)
Weight: 0.609 lbs
Weight: 0.609 lbs