Living with Christ Sunday Missal 2023-2024
$4.45 for 50+ Save 25%
Publisher: Twenty-Third Publications
ISBN: 978-1-62785-763-5
Item Number: TWEN-857635
View SampleOut of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
The 2023-2024 Living with Christ Sunday Missal is the resource that helps Catholics prepare for and celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation of the year. This inspirational Sunday Missal includes all Sunday readings for Year B (U.S. Lectionary), complete Order of Mass and Sunday prayers and blessings, and spiritual reflections on the readings. Type size is 10.6 pt. No hymns included. Paperback, 4.25 x 6.25, 614 pages. (©2023)
Weight: 0.481 lbs
Case Qty: 40 ($238.00)
New Edition
Living with Christ Sunday Missal 2024-2025
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