Gifted with the Spirit
Confirmed in the Joy of the Spirit
A Confirmation Journal for Teens
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Retail price: $9.95
Publisher: Twenty-Third Publications
ISBN: 978-1-62785-344-6
Item Number: TWEN-853446
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This product belongs to two programs:Gifted with the Spirit, Junior High
Gifted with the Spirit, High School
Inspired by Saintly Heroes. Here are 19 saints and holy people whose stories will capture the imagination of Confirmation candidates. People like Henri Nouwen, Sr. Theo Bowman, St. Thomas More, St. Teresa of Calcutta, Cesar Chavez, Pope Francis, Mary, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and more. With questions to promote reflection and journaling, each story also invites candidates to discover ways they can act on the gifts of the Holy Spirit they will receive at Confirmation. Paperback, 5,5 x 8.5, 96 pages. (©2107)
Weight: 0.267 lbs
Case Qty: 136 ($1,082.56)