el Sacramento del Bautismo
Una Guia para la Celebracion de la Vida Nueva
The Sacrament of Baptism: a Guide to this Celebration of New Life
$48.00 Save 20%
Retail price: $60.00
Publisher: RCL Benziger
UPC: 7 09887 04695 7
Item Number: RCLB-602469
Currently not stocked. Estimated ship date: about two weeks from ordering
Additional Version
$60.00 EnglishDetails
Spanish DVD. Covers relevant topics and answers common questions: Why do we baptize? Why baptize infants? Godparents, Jesus and Baptism, the five parts of the ritual of Baptism, the early church and Baptism, the theology of Baptism. 60 minute DVD divided into 18 segments. Includes a discussion guide with questions for each segment and a segment on the RCIA as well. (©2014)
Weight: 0.210 lbs