Sean mis Discipulos, 1-6
Grade 6 Student Book
Includes Ebook and Digital Resources
Parish Edition
Publisher: RCL Benziger
ISBN: 978-0-7829-1614-0
Item Number: RCLB-601614
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$23.00 EnglishDetails
Bilingual Student Books include four new features: Disciple Power which connects the lesson content to virtues, values, habits and spiritual gifts that help children grow as disciples; The Church Follows Jesus which reinforces Catholic identity as student examine the difference the Church has made and still makes in the lives of Christians and in the world; I Follow Jesus provides an opportunity for children to make a choice to follow Jesus each week; Looking Ahead gives a preview of the chapter's focus, content and goal; and With My Family is a review of the content, ideas for sharing faith, family prayer and a special section to assist parents. Customers who purchase Sean mis Discipulos student books or catechist guides qualify for access to a one-year subscription to the matching ebook for free, upon request. Make your request when you call to order, or type your request in the special instructions when you order online. (©2014)
Digital Online Resources to support Faith Formation
Weight: 2.932 lbs
Case Qty: 10 ($210.00)