Familia Católica Conocimiento
Algo Nuevo para la Cuaresma
Something New for Lent
$1.86 for 10+ Save 5%
$1.76 for 25+ Save 10%
$1.56 for 75+ Save 20%
$1.36 for 150+ Save 30%
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-59276-488-4
Item Number: OSVP-X727
Additional Version
$1.95 EnglishDetails
Something New for Lent, Spanish. Catholic Parent Know-How. An eight-page, colorful, glossy magazine in Spanish that provides parents with faith-building ideas and activities. An affordable tool to help gain parents' involvement in their family observance of Lent and to give them some spiritual nourishment of their own. Magazine, 8.5 x 11, 8 pages. (©2013)
Weight: 0.060 lbs
Weight: 0.060 lbs