Alive in Christ, 1-8
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Grade 2 People of Faith Cards
Parish & School Edition
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-61278-068-9
Item Number: OSVP-CU5361
2 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
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This product belongs to multiple programs:Alive in Christ, 1-8, School Edition
Alive in Christ, 1-8, Parish Edition
People of Faith Cards
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Package of 25 Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta People of Faith cards which connect with a chapter in Alive in Christ Grade 2. Illustrated in an art style specifically chosen for second graders. Each card contains a prayer and brief biography on the back. A resource for any catechetical program.
Text on the back of the card:
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Blessed Mother Terese was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in what is now Macedonia. When she grew up, she became a nun and was called Mother Teresa. She worked in Calcutta, India, where she cared for the poor and dying with a new group of sisters she helped found, called the Missionaries of Charity. When people asked, "What can we do to help the people who are poor?" Mother Teresa told them to use their gifts of time, talent and treasure to help God build his Kingdom. She said, "Do something beautiful for God."
Mother Teresa spoke five languages. She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.
Blessed Mother Teresa, help our families be together in both joy and sorrow and show us how to see Jesus in everyone we meet. Amen.
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Weight: 0.124 lbs