The Catholic Source Book
Includes Revised Order of the Mass
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Retail price: $17.75
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-0-15-901883-5
Item Number: OSVP-CU0997RE
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Updated to include changes from the new Roman Missal. The essential teachings and basic texts of Catholic beliefs, prayers, practices and traditions. Answers any question you or your students may have about Catholic liturgy, symbols, saints, councils, popes and church history. With references to the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and to the National Directory for Catechesis. Paper, 6 x 9, 508 pages. Imprimatur. (©2007)
Weight: 1.485 lbs
Case Qty: 20 ($299.80)
Weight: 1.485 lbs
Case Qty: 20 ($299.80)