RCIA Manual para padrinos y madrina
RCIA Godparent and Sponsor Handbook
$4.80 Save 20%
Retail price: $6.00
Publisher: Liturgy Training Publications
ISBN: 978-1-56854-749-7
Item Number: LTTR-547497
38 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
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$5.04 EnglishDetails
Spanish. A succinct booklet that provides a straightforward and practical guide to those serving as sponsors or godparents in the Christian initiation process. It is spiritual, down-to-earth and easy to read. It provides parish RCIA leaders with an effective way to communicate the church's intention for the crucial ministry of companionship and conversion in the catechumenate. Paperback, 5 x 8.5, 76 pages.
Weight: 0.266 lbs