La caja de herramientas serie
Preparar corazones y mentes
9 Ideas sencillas para que los catequistas cultiven un fe viva
Preparing Hearts and Minds: 9 Simple Ways for Catechists to Cultivate a Living Faith
Publisher: Loyola Press
ISBN: 978-0-8294-5009-5
Item Number: LOYO-50095
View SampleRestricted: only sold to schools and parishes.
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$11.95 EnglishDetails
Spanish. The early followers of Jesus knew that their Good News was indeed unique, unlike any message they’d heard before. They knew Jesus could be trusted and that his words, once planted in a receptive heart, could transform a person’s life. In Preparing Hearts and Minds, Joe Paprocki revisits how the early Church evangelized, identifying nine strategies to help catechists and learners alike. There are concrete ways to share the Gospel so that people can become more open and ready to engage with Jesus, and then share that friendship with others. Paperback, 124 pages. (©2021)
Weight: 0.706 lbs
Case Qty: 30 ($359.70)