Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit
For Children with Autism and Other Special Needs
Publisher: Loyola Press
ISBN: 978-0-8294-3580-1
Item Number: LOYO-35801
Additional Version
$69.25 SpanishDetails
Enables many children with autism and other special needs to participate fully in their faith. Includes eight pieces:
My Picture Missal Picture Book and Mass Picture Cards to help the child maintain focus and actively participate in the Mass
Bless Yourself Matching Puzzle to help the child learn to make the sign of the cross. Paired with parent or catechist modeling it also becomes a gross motor imitation task.
Who Is Jesus? Instructional Story introduces the child to Jesus as the Son of God and relates God's family to the child's family.
Communion Is Not the Same as Food Matching Puzzle helps the child distinguish between the Eucharist and ordinary food.
How to Receive Communion Matching Puzzle shows all the steps of receiving Communion reverently, providing a guide for the child to practice.
I Receive Communion Social Story is a book that reinforces the reverence and proper steps of receiving Communion.
Helper Guide with tips on how to use the kit.
Backpack so the child can transport the items to faith formation sessions and to Mass. Backpack with eight items. (©2011)
Weight: 2.667 lbs
Case Qty: 4 ($277.00)