Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas
Publisher: Liguori Publications
ISBN: 978-0-7648-2730-3
Item Number: LIGU-827303
Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
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Provides an opportunity for prayer and reflection on the coming of our Savior, whose love, mercy, forgiveness, and redemption has already been given but has not yet been fully realized in our lives. For each day of Advent through the octave of Christmas, Father Dan Horan, OFM, selects a short Scripture passage--one that may already be known but not yet fully understood and uses it as a starting point for reflecting on how our faith is already handed on to us, but not yet perfectly lived. Paperback, 5.5 x 8.25, 48 pages. (©2017)
Weight: 0.119 lbs