The Essential Catholic Handbook
A Summary of Beliefs, Practices, and Prayers
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Retail price: $17.99
Publisher: Liguori Publications
ISBN: 978-0-7648-1289-7
Item Number: LIGU-812897
A handbook for Catholic adults. Everything you need to know about your Catholic faith, in user-friendly language cross-referenced to the Catechism. Includes basic beliefs, basic practices and basic prayers, with a special section on living the faith in the spirit of Vatican II, a summary of the documents of Vatican II, a dictionary of Catholic terms, and a calendar of the saints. For adults. Paper, 5 x 8, 290 pages. Imprimatur. (©2004)
Weight: 0.664 lbs
Case Qty: 48 ($828.96)
Weight: 0.664 lbs
Case Qty: 48 ($828.96)