Fundamentos de la fe católica
Outlines of the Catholic Faith
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Retail price: $4.00
Publisher: Leaflet Missal Company
UPC: 02572S
Item Number: LEAF-02572S
Additional Version
$3.00 EnglishDetails
Outlines of the Catholic Faith in Spanish. Basic Catholic teachings, beliefs, and practices from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, presented in detailed outline form. Includes creation, salvation history, revelation, the Apostles' Creed, sacraments in general, individual sacraments, sacramentals, indulgences, sanctifying grace, the Beatitudes, sin, the two great commandments, the Ten Commandments, and precepts of the Church. Also includes some basic Catholic prayers and practices. Paper, 5.5 x 8.5, 88 pages, Imprimatur. (©2005)
Weight: 0.244 lbs
Case Qty: 200 ($600.00)