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Encountering Jesus Series

Jesus Christ Source of Our Salvation
Student Text

2nd Edition



Publisher: Ave Maria Press

ISBN: 978-1-59471-627-0

Item Number: AVEP-716270

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Encountering Jesus Series


Developed for Curriculum Framework Course 3: The Mission of Jesus Christ (the Paschal Mystery)

Introduces students to a deeper theological study of essential life questions, foremost: "Why do we need to be saved?" and "How are we saved?" The answers are revealed in God's plan for redemption. Now written and formatted in the instructional design of the Encountering Jesus Series, this text offers a blueprint for a thorough theology that is complemented by ample opportunities for faith-filled discipleship. Shares God's invitation for a fuller participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ.

The second edition includes these new features:
contemporary news openers that connect with the chapter material
note-taking prompts that help students highlight, outline, and remember
infographics and photo essays that incorporate key concepts and will resonate with today's digitally-connected teens.
Also includes popular features from the first edition. Three chapter assignment options geared toward specific learning styles; focus questions and chapter summaries; vocabulary terms in bold and defined in the margin; profiles of saints; prayer; and more. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 400 pages. (©2018)

Weight: 2.819 lbs
Case Qty: 14 ($433.30)


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