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Be My Disciples, 2nd Edition, 1-6 — RCL Benziger

With Family Life Connection

Parish Edition

Shares the Christian story with the use of Sacred Scripture and age-appropriate presentation of Sacred Tradition. Newly updated and expanded second edition encourages children grades 1-6 to understand their role within the parish community and continue to grow in their identity as sons and daughters of God. Student Edition now includes Family Life Connection. These pages draw from RCL Benziger's moral catechesis program, Family Life. These pages help students and their families immediately practice strategies for effective communication, maintaining a safe environment, and building healthy relationships as a household of faith. Lessons in popular devotions have been added to each unit to help children celebrate the ways people of different cultures express our Catholic faith. Scripture references have been updated to feature the NABRE, as well as the current ritual texts for the sacraments. (©2022)

Free Ebooks and Digital Resources

One-year access to digital student books and catechist guides is included with purchase of the corresponding print component upon request. Also includes access to all digital content on the Flourish portal. Request digital access when placing your phone order or make a note in the Special Instructions at checkout on the website. RCL Benziger will contact you with your Flourish username and password. Unused access from previous years cannot be used at a later time.

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18 program components.

Grade 1 Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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Grade 2 Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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Grade 3 Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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Grade 4 Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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Grade 5 Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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Estimated ship date: July 29, 2024
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Grade 6 Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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Estimated ship date: July 29, 2024
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