Celebrating the Lectionary — Liturgy Training Publications
Supplemental Lectionary-Based Resource for Teachers and Catechists
An annual publication with quick reflections on the Gospel readings for Sundays and holy days of obligation from the First Sunday of Advent through the Solemnity of Christ the King. May be used to supplement school curriculum or parish faith formation classes, or simply as a teacher or catechist's resource to facilitate prayer and reflection, or to fill extra time with a simple, Gospel-based activity. Sessions can last 15-20 minutes and require no advance preparation. Includes the full text of the Gospel readings.
For many years Celebrating the Lectionary has been published annually on a school-year schedule. It now available as a permanent resource covering the liturgical year. The contents remain the same: 15-minute Lectionary-based sessions for every Sunday and holyday of obligation appropriately tailored to four age groups. Also includes reproducible, send-home pages that families can use to live the message of the Gospel and celebrate the season of the liturgical year.