Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years
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Giver of Life — Good Ground Press

Junior High

For junior high. This program provides six two-hour or 12 one-hour sessions of immediate preparation for receiving the sacrament. Explore with candidates the activity of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, Catholic traditions, sacraments, and their lives. Includes prayer, activities, faith sharing. Topics cover Choices, Scripture, Spirituality, Sacraments, Service, and Confirmation. There are four program components: a folder of six colorful four-page Candidate Materials; a Leader Manual with lesson plans for six sessions; a Candidate Journal to use for candidate-sponsor conversations; and a Sponsor-Mentor Handbook. (©2007)

5 program components.

$3.00 Non-returnable
Giver of Life: Candidate Journal

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Estimated ship date: August 7, 2024
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$5.00 Non-returnable Special order item: Price and availability not guaranteed.

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