Confirmación Inspirados por el Espíritu — Sadlier Religion
Confirmation: Inspired by the Spirit
Junior High
Bilingual Edition. A sacrament program that provides immediate preparation for Confirmation in six sessions. Sessions include Confirmation Q & A, Catechism Connection, Spotlight on Scripture, and Liturgy Connection. Also includes Saints and Holy People, Symbols of the Holy Spirit, Calling All Candidates, and Go Forth sections to connect learning with life. The Guide for catechists is a wraparound edition with lesson planning helps, icebreakers and activities, age-level adaptations, a mini-retreat and more. Spanish Director Guide gives everything the director needs to implement Inspired by the Spirit including reproducible masters, forms, catechist training and resources for families and sponsors. (©2013)
Confirmacion Inspirados por el Espiritu is approved by the Bishops' Committee.

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