Catholic Essentials — Ave Maria Press
An Overview of the Faith. The first handbook of faith written according to the new curriculum framework. A source of knowledge about Jesus, the Trinity, the Catholic Church, sacraments, and the ways believers live out their faith in Jesus. Organized around the new U.S. Bishops High School Curriculum Framework. Provides an in-depth overview of the eight courses of high school theology. A great compendium for the students' four years of high school or a text for any introductory course. Can also be used for high school religious education in the parish. Each required course is covered by a complete chapter. Elective courses are covered in the appendix. Chapters include review questions, ways to reflect on the material and vocabulary terms. (©2009)
Catholic Essentials (©2009) has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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