Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years
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Catholic Essentials

Teacher/Catechist Guide

Paperback Parish & School Edition


Author: Michael Amodei

Publisher: Ave Maria Press

ISBN: 978-1-59471-146-6

Item Number: AVEP-711466

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Restricted: only sold to schools and parishes.

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Catholic Essentials


An Overview of the Faith. Wraparound Teacher/Catechist Guide provides thorough and creative strategies for using the Catholic Essentials student text. Includes citations to the Catechism within the lesson plans, a weekly planning chart and specific suggestions for scheduling a semester course. With extensive resources for teachers and students in each chapter. Several reproducible supplementary exercises and assignments are included. Provides background information for teachers. Warm-up activities, extending the session and creative learning approaches allow options for tailoring a lesson to suit the needs and schedule of the parish or school. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 384 pages. (©2009)


Please note: Ave Maria Press allows the sale of a Teacher/Catechist Guide only to parishes who also order 15 or more copies of the student text.

Weight: 1.508 lbs


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