Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

T3: The Teen Timeline — Ascension

High School

A teen Bible study based on the Great Adventure Bible Timeline Series. Can be used in any Catholic high school, youth group or religious education setting. Can be taught in a one-day seminar or stretched out over eight or sixteen lessons. Lessons are presented on DVD followed by group discussion, activities and individual study. Topics include:
An Introduction to the Bible
The Early World
The Patriarchs
Egypt and the Exodus, Joshua and Judges
The Kingdom of God: United and Divided
The Exile, the Return and the Revolt
Jesus and the Gospels: the Messianic Fulfillment
The Early Church and the Church Today

After completing the Teen Timeline course, groups can continue Scripture study with an 8-part study T3 Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come, a four-part study T3 Acts: The Keys and the Sword, and a four-part study T3 Revelation: The Lion and the Lamb.

NOTE: This series is out of print. Most components are not available. The series is no longer supported by online content.

1 program component.


122 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.


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