Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Faith Alive

An Invitation to Encounter the Living Christ in the Catholic Faith


Publisher: Veritas Religion

ISBN: 978-1-84730-940-2

Item Number: VERI-201948

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An Introduction to the Catholic Faith for Prospective High School Students. Faith Alive is a concise introduction to some of the key faith teachings and faith practices of the Catholic Church. It is aimed specifically  at students who haven’t previously attended Catholic schools, students from different faith backgrounds, international students, and any students who would benefit from a review course before beginning their High School Theology program.


Faith Alive will give students a good grounding in the Catholic faith and a common faith vocabulary before they embark on more in-depth education in the faith. Parents, youth ministers, and those who wish for a simple introduction to the Catholic faith will also find Faith Alive valuable.


Faith Alive is set out in three parts. Part 1: Believe presents the key teachings of the Catholic faith. Part 2: Celebrate explores how we encounter Christ in the sacraments. Part 3: Live examines how we should live according to the moral teachings of the Catholic faith. The book also contains three very useful appendices: a faith summary of key teachings of the Catholic Church; Catholic prayers and practices; and an extensive faith glossary. Paperback, 130 pages.

Weight: 0.634 lbs


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