Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years
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Live Jesus in Our Hearts

Jesus Christ and the New Testament
Student Text



Author: Alan J. Talley

Publisher: Saint Mary’s Press

ISBN: 978-1-59982-948-7

Item Number: STMR-829487

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Live Jesus in Our Hearts


Developed for Curriculum Framework Course 2: Who Is Jesus Christ?


A New Testament overview that includes all the required Framework content related to Jesus Christ. Used with Revelation and the Old Testament, schools can now teach an overview of the Bible in freshman year using a Framework approved curriculum.


Help student connect using:

  • short stories about young people that relate a teaching or belief to a young person's lived experience
  • focus questions that introduce each unit in the voice of a teen, guiding students in focusing on what they might learn; units end with an image a a real student and his or her reflections on the unit focus question, inviting students to check their own understanding
  • unit highlights that use graphic organizers to visually represent the key concepts from each chapter
  • "Hmmmm" questions at the end of each article that encourage students to think critically about Christian beliefs
  • a full page visual feature at the end of each chapter that engages students to reflect on the content in a unique way

Weight: 1.474 lbs
Case Qty: 22 ($680.90)


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