Anointed in the Spirit: Confirmation
Director Manual
Publisher: Saint Mary’s Press
ISBN: 978-1-59982-028-6
Item Number: STMR-820286
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The Program Director Manual features a complete overview and all the relevant components necessary for facilitating a successful program, including, an overview of Anointed in the Spirit, tips for celebrating Confirmation with students in the context of parish life, guidelines for planning your Confirmation program, models for a variety of time frames and structures, a training session for catechists, an orientation session for parents, an orientation session for sponsors and candidates, and instructions for leading a liturgy planning committee. Foundational documents on Confirmation are also included: Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Rite of Confirmation. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 120 pages. Approved by the Bishops’ Committee. (©2010)
Weight: 0.664 lbs