Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

The Saints Chronicles

Collection 4


Publisher: Sophia Institute for Teachers

ISBN: 978-1-62282-680-3

Item Number: SOPH-826803

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The Saints Chronicles


Ages 8-12. Collection 4 includes: 

  • St. Willibrord, the bold and fearless missionary priest who converted the people of the Netherlands despite the murderous threats of a hostile pagan king;
  • St. Margaret of Scotland, the young noblewoman forced to flee her own country, who found refuge in Scotland, where she became a wise queen devoted to service of the poor;
  • St. Stanislaus, the beloved Polish bishop who publicly condemned the vicious actions of his king and was killed for his bold stand against evil;
  • St. Rose of Lima, the young girl, admired for her striking beauty, who rejected her parents’ demand that she marry and dedicated herself instead to a life of prayer and service;
  • St. Dominic, the brave priest who was staunchly committed to combating dangerous heresies and eventually founded one of the most influential religious orders within the Church.

The glorious examples of these extraordinary men and women offer hope and inspiration, reminding us that, even in the darkest of times, a bold spirit and unwavering faith in God are the main weapons we need to win the strenuous battles of life. Paperback, 6.5 x 10, 120 pages. (©2019)

Weight: 0.624 lbs
Case Qty: 54 ($807.30)


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