Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

The Saints Chronicles

Collection 1


Publisher: Sophia Institute for Teachers

ISBN: 978-1-62282-674-2

Item Number: SOPH-826742

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The Saints Chronicles


Ages 8-12. Collection 1 includes:

  • St. Patrick, a young boy captured by Irish pirates and made a slave, only to escape and later return to convert all of pagan Ireland to Christianity.
  • St. Jerome Emiliani, the bold soldier who became a Christian while imprisoned in a dark dungeon, escaping to join the priesthood and lead a life in service to the poor and suffering.
  • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the wealthy New York widow who made vows of poverty and chastity, creating the very first Catholic schools in the United States and becoming America’s first saint.
  • St. Henry Morse, the Catholic convert who became a priest and bravely spread the Faith in Protestant England, only to be arrested and martyred for being Catholic.
  • St. Joan of Arc, the thirteen-year-old-girl who God called to rally a demoralized army and lead the Catholic French to an overwhelming defeat of the English.

The stirring adventures of these brave Christian souls remind us that God has in mind for each of us a unique mission, worthy of all our imagination and all our daring.

Appealing to readers of all ages, these four Graphic Novels will enhance literacy and promote content retention while introducing Catholic saints in a form that can be enjoyed again and again. Paperback, 6.5 x 10, 120 pages. (©2018)

Weight: 0.629 lbs
Case Qty: 54 ($807.30)


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