Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Creemos Identidad Catolica, K-6

Somos el pueblo de Dios
Grade 6 Student Book

We Are God's People

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Retail price: $29.32


Publisher: Sadlier Religion

ISBN: 978-0-8215-6106-5

Item Number: SADL-61065

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$21.99 English

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Creemos Identidad Catolica, K-6


Bilingual Edition. Student Books present the content of the Catholic faith from Scripture and Tradition through words, art, activities, and discussions. Each lesson incorporates the Six Tasks of Catechesis: Knowledge, Liturgical formation, Moral formation, Prayer, Community Life, and Mission. Lessons utilize a 3-step catechetical process following Jesus' teaching example: We Gather; We Believe; and We Respond. With meaningful ways to involve the family, lives of the saints, liturgical lessons, Project Disciple activities, and access to digital resources.

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Ebooks and Family Book available.

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Weight: 2.547 lbs
Case Qty: 14 ($307.86)


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