Be My Disciples, Jr. High
Christ in the Liturgy
Teacher Manual
School Edition
Publisher: RCL Benziger
ISBN: 978-0-7829-1659-1
Item Number: RCLB-601659
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$34.50 Parish EditionDetails
Teacher Manuals include teacher formation with a single page at the start of each unit that gives an overview of the chapter themes and quotations from Scripture and church documents. Each chapter starts with two pages of theological and catechetical background with references to the Catechism. The Lesson Planner gives a thumbnail sketch of the lesson. Five-day lessons wraparound reduced-size pages from the student book and are divided intor three steps: explore, discover and decide. Catholic Social Teaching is offered at the end of each unit. Spiral-bound with a hard back cover, 8.5 x 11, 264 pages. (©2014)
Weight: 1.520 lbs
Weight: 1.520 lbs