Catholic Prayers and Practices
Oraciones y prácticas católicas
Catholic Prayers and Practices
Publisher: RCL Benziger
ISBN: 978-0-7829-1646-1
Item Number: RCLB-601646
Additional Version
$5.00 EnglishDetails
Catholic Prayers and Practices, bilingual. Traditional Catholic practices and prayers for adults to use with their families in Spanish and English. Includes the Order of the Mass from the revised Roman Missal. Also includes the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, Morning and Evening Prayers, the Angelus, the Prayer of St. Francis, the prayers of the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross; plus a summary of Catholic Social Teaching, and a section on the signs and symbols of the Catholic Church. Paperback, 6 x 9, 48 pages. (©2012)
Weight: 0.183 lbs
Case Qty: 140 ($700.00)